So You Want To Be A Google Whore?
John Chow dot Com » So You Want To Be A Google Whore?:If you want to read more go to John's blog.Recently I had a discussion with Josh, who wants to be a Google Whore. Josh got in touch with me with a PM at Digital Point forums. He asked how I was able to start a new site (Laptop Gamers) and have it make money from day 1, while he has put up 44 sites and can barely make anything. Josh has created a blog to write about his AdSense experiment. You can read it here.
Now where did Josh go wrong? He put up 44 niche sites to my one, yet my one site is making more than his 44 combined. From reading his blog posting I can come up with a few reasons why Josh is having trouble. All you future Google Whores might want to pay attention to what I’m about to reveal.
If You Build It They Will Not Come
The key to being a Google Whore is not to have a bunch of websites. The key to being a Google Whore is all about getting traffic. Without traffic, a site makes nothing. This is a numbers game. I know that for every 1000 readers, I am going to get a certain percentage of people clicking on an ad. You can have 1000 websites but if no one visits, it’s going to be really hard to make any money.
The Key To Getting Traffic
The best way to get traffic to a new site is to have other sites in your field write about your site and link back to you. When Laptop Gamers was launched, I sent an email to over 200 technology based sites asking them for a news plug. Many of them gave me the news plug and that started the traffic to the site. Links from other sites were able to bring Laptop Gamers’ traffic to over 6,000 page view in one day. No matter what field you’re in, there are sites that offer news coverage on that field. Your job is to find those sites and add them to your news list. Once you have amassed this list, you will have in your procession a very powerful tool. The news list is the reason I was able to get traffic to Laptop Gamers so fast.
Now just because you sent a request to outside sites asking for a news plug doesn’t mean they’ll give it to you. This leads to the next key to making money on the net.
Anton, it’s not really correct to post my entire article on your site like that. Fair copyright use will allow you to post a quote or two to give your readers an idea on what the article is about. However, posting the entire article is violation of copyright.
Anton, it’s not really correct to post my entire article on your site like that. Fair copyright use will allow you to post a quote or two to give your readers an idea on what the article is about. However, posting the entire article is violation of copyright.
Done Deal!
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